The Team

Prof Kalpana Shankar

Professor of Information and Communication Studies, UCD

Kalpana Shankar is an information studies scholar with internationally recognised expertise in research data management, information infrastructures, and meta-research.

Recently completed projects include a historical study on the sustainability of social science data archives (Alfred P Sloan Foundation) and peer review processes in Ireland’s largest funding agency, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Her service includes participation in the National Open Research Forum (NORF) FAIR Data Working Group, the Social Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy, and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Interest Group on Ethics and Social Aspects of Data.

She holds a PhD in Library and Information Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.

University Profile available here

Dr Gail Sheppard

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, MU

Gail is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Maynooth University School of Business and
Programme Director for Arts Team Accounting and BCL Law and Accounting, having previously been
a Lecturer in Accounting at TU Dublin.

She started her career as an accountant in industry, during which time she qualified with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Gail went on to complete an MSc in DCU, continued her studies in Queen’s University, Belfast before obtaining her
PhD from University College Cork.

Gail’s research is multidisciplinary, focusing on public resource management and encompassing
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Ireland and Covid-19 management. Her research has been
published in international peer-reviewed journals. Gail is a member of the Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants and the European Accounting Association. She is also a former council
member of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association.

University Profile available here

Dr Paul Anglim

Independent consultant and researcher, Angles Consulting

Paul works as an advisor and consultant with start-ups, early stage technologies, venture and industry on commercialisation, needs-led innovation, strategy, and network.

He is passionate about supporting technologies with better patient outcomes, and improving innovation methods/capability in industry. Primarily healthcare focused, with a lifesciences/biotech/medtech background and increasing interest in digital health, in particular with a patient focus.

He is an adjunct lecturer and an Honorary Clinical Fellow at NUI Galway, and has previously lectured in Biomedical Science, Molecular Biology and Biology at NUI Galway.

Paul has a background in Life Sciences and Medical Communications. He holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a research focus on the early detection of lung cancer.

Aoife Lawton

National Health Service Librarian at Health Service Executive

Aoife current role is to ensure that the National Health service gives everyone working in Ireland’s public health service the evidence and knowledge they need to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients and service users.

Her goals are to make evidence based literature easily accessible to health professionals working in Ireland through the implementation of a National eHealth Library.

Her specialties include library management, strategic planning, library management systems, knowledge management, electronic resources integration, searching, metadata, repository building, networking, CPD for health science librarians & information professionals, training library staff & information literacy training for health professionals. Research and publishing.

Susi Geiger

Professor of Market Studies at UCD College of Business

Susi Geiger was educated at the University of Mannheim, Germany, the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, and Dublin City University.

Susi’s academic work investigates the organisation and shaping of markets, with a particular focus on activist contestations against these markets. Her current research is focused on market failures and collaborative market innovation in healthcare markets.

As the only-ever Irish female business scholar, she was awarded a highly prestigious €2 million ERC (European Research Council) Consolidator Grant to carry out this research. She is directing a research team of six researchers in the context of this project from 2018 to 2024.

Her work has appeared in a wide range of journals including Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Enterpreneurship Theory and Practice, Economy & Society, Business & Society, Journal of Medical Ethics and many others.

Susi has published three books, most recently “Healthcare Activism: Markets, Morals, and the Collective Good” (Oxford University Press 2021). She also sits on several editorial boards of international journals, including Organization Studies.

Her research has received international recognition through research awards and Best Paper prizes such as the Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award and Business & Society Best Paper nomination.

Previously, Susi researched entrepreneurial activities in digital health markets as part of a Marie Sklodowska Curie Global Fellowship and in collaboration with UC Berkeley, California and the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI), Ecole de MINES ParisTech.

She was a Principal Investigator in the Enterprise Ireland-funded Technology Centre ARCH (Applied Research for Connected Health) and in CHESS, an EU Horizon 2020 funded Marie-Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network.

University Profile available here

Jennifer McCormack

Network Manager at Connected Health Skillnet. Senior Executive, Irish Medtech Association, Ibec

Connected Health Skillnet is a cross sectoral learning and development network established to address the current and future skills needs arising from the convergence of the medtech, pharma, ICT and software sectors in the field of connected health. They do this through the delivery of niche training, upskilling and cross sectoral networking opportunities. It is a not for profit network with Ibec as contracting organisation and operated in collaboration with Irish Medtech Association, Technology Ireland and BioPharmaChem Ireland.

The Irish Medical Devices Association (IMDA) is a business sector in Ibec. They aim to promote and support an environment that encourages the sustainable development and profitable growth of multinational and indigenous medical device and diagnostic companies.

LinkedIn profile available here